Friday, August 13, 2010

Getting Things Done

Today is my day for planning fall piano teaching.  This is written in my calendar to keep me from procrastinating.   It started well.  I made new student records, tranferred notes from old records, printed student materials, and created a neon yellow index card to remind me of my new year's teaching resolutions. 

Then I thought I'd take a little break and read some Blogs of Note.  I love this one:   It looked like it might give me helpful hints on writing, so I read quite a bit it of before I went to yoga.  When I came home I really needed a shower, and then my towel was wet, so it seemed like a good time to do the laundry and I practiced a little while the clothes were in the washer.  Then I was hungry and while I was in the fridge I noticed an aging lemon.  I haven't make a lemon cake in years!  The only problem was flour, so I made a quick trip to the store.  When I got home I noticed those spots that I've been meaning to scrub off the living room floor all summer, which made me thirsty and what better thing to do while drinking a diet coke than read more of that blog to get ideas about writing, which made me think of putting up a new posting, even though it isn't even Thursday!


  1. Wow, thank you! I'm so glad you found it helpful! Please keep in mind, though, I never have a clue what I'm talking about... I just have to say it to get it out of my head... Ever have that feeling?

  2. You are so funny! Now I want lemon cake. :)
